Tentative Website

Equity in Information  
Age Leadership  

Equity in Information Age Leadership is an online conference that focuses on women in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region to connect, inspire, and support their presence in the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM). It was organized on the 26th & 27th of March 2022 by a team of volunteers from Global Share Social Enterprise and supported by Chevening.

Despite their academic qualifications, many women in STEAM are behind their male peers in employment, leadership positions and entrepreneurial careers (Afiouni et al. 2014). This is caused partially to limited industry placements, work experience and internships during their academic studies. Another contributor is the lack of networking opportunities with industry leaders, entrepreneurs and prospective employers.

We will be holding workshops throughout this year that provide practical know-how to the conference attendees and beyond, bringing them a bit closer to their goals.

You can access the conference's playlist by clicking here or reading about us in the Chevening news blog.

To check follow workshops to this conference, please visit Helen project's events-shop.